Wednesday, August 6, 2008

There's Something About Mary

Does anyone else remember Mary O'Brien? Alas, an early crush of mine. She lived near the DeVoe's close to Castle Rock Elementary...She must have moved away after 7th or 8th grade. After Megan sent the Happy Daze photo I found a small picture she gave me, I'm guessing in 6th grade. Do you remember exchanging your school photos? I guess these days they just "friend" each other on Myspace. So what ever happened to Mary?


Matty said...

Mary was on my swim team up at Boundary Oaks. Her and Anne Bacagilupi were inseperable. Great swimmer and super personality. She went to Carondolet. Good soccer player too.

Matty said...

Good hair too when it wasn't chlorine green.

Dr. Jeff said...

I totally remember Anne

Anonymous said...

I remember her as well from Boundary Oaks swim team. I also remember she was a great swimmer. I remember she also seemed so much bigger and older than me. I guess that is because I was always one of the smallest ones.